Components of an entry level G6 physical device

Base G6 Physical Device Specifications

  • 16 vCPU (AMD Ryzen 9)

  • 64 GB RAM

  • 1 TB storage

G6 National Dashboard (Frontend & Customer Applications)
  • Identity page

  • Copyright panel: NFT listing and management: IPs and ownership

  • Insurance: Show and query from permissioned private data of individual’s records. Order Insurance from provider companies

  • Healthcare panel: Show and query from permissioned private data of individual’s records

Substrate Chains (Public and Private runtimes)
  • System Health reporting (through G6 Public Chain and enterprise subscription)

  • Citizens/Identity

  • OpenGov

  • Treasury

  • Permissions

  • Private storage

  • Future updates

G6 OS and Middleware - incl. private storage and web2 service integrations
  • Custom Debian 6.1+ kernel

  • Stable init system

  • Bare minimum services

  • Firewall and hardening

  • Optional telemetry

  • Middleware

Last updated