The Challenge

Even though many use-cases are identified for governments, enterprises, and banks, currently none of the existing projects provide a ready-to-go blockchain solution for such institutions. These cases include digital identity, copyright, insurance, private data storage, permissioned healthcare records, verifiable certifications, blockchain administration interfaces (e.g., dashboard and console), land ownership records, and many more.

Despite the recognition of potential by a variety of stakeholders, a persistent question lingered: how could they leverage the advanteges of blockchain technolgy without the need of years of development? We've also encountered widespread confusion regarding the nature of the technology. Many stakeholders, particularly those from more conservative and traditional organizations, found it challenging to grasp the intricacies of blockchain and its functionality.

More often than not, they were not inclined to delve into the technical details. What they need is a straightforward, user-friendly solution that required minimal effort to comprehend. They keep asking for a ready to use solution.

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