Early features
Authenticator access
This allows dispatching calls on behalf of a keyless account using an authenticator that resolves alternative signing methods.
Integrating this function into the G6 Networks dashboard will be a game-changer because it simplifies the user experience for both total blockchain newbies and seasoned users, eliminating the need for private key management and offering a secure, decentralized authentication method that aligns with familiar Web2 practices, making blockchain adoption more accessible and user-friendly.
Decentralized Storage
Our platform offers decentralized storage solutions for personal documents and files, providing a secure and efficient way for users to manage their data. This feature ensures data privacy and security using distributed storage networks and allows users to easily access and manage their stored data directly through the dashboard.
Decentralized Event Management Platform
We create a decentralized platform similar to Meetup.com or Luma, which will leverage blockchain technology to allow users to organize and manage events, connect with like-minded individuals, and form communities without relying on a centralized authority. This platform will function as a peer-to-peer network where all interactions, event management, and data are controlled by the users themselves.
Feeless transactions
In our incentive-driven engagement model, feeless transactions become a compelling reward for users who actively participate in the ecosystem. By meeting specific criteria within the dashboard, users can earn the privilege of transacting without fees, thus reducing costs and fostering more frequent and meaningful interactions.
Last updated