Zero Knowledge Privacy and Reverse Tracking

G6 Networks integrates Zero-Knowledge (ZK-SNARKs) security protocols to enhance data privacy and confidentiality. ZK security ensures that sensitive information is protected while still allowing for efficient and verifiable transactions cross-chain.

ZK and EPoA will work together, assigning unique identities to each private chain for signing purposes. Currently, private chains can generate signatures and answer queries. Information is only disclosed upon inquiry by a previously assigned address.

Path Tracing Feature: EPoA combined with ZK opens up the capability of tracking transactions by external parties that are related to the funds sent from one chain to another. In financial institutions it is a well-known problem that once the money is out of the hands of the sender, there is no way to track it anymore, opening up the possibility for corruption and fraud.

Path Tracing Example Private Chain A legally agrees with Chain B to allow tracking for a future transaction to be paid by Private Chain A. After the agreement Chain A pays this large sum to Private Chain B. Chain A or its deputy (eg. G6 Main Chain) periodically requests the relevant hashes and track ID’s from Chain B which needs to return the relevant data and is also required to make relevant hashes public. As long as the transactions seem legitimate or not other external suspicion comes up, the process stays in the logging state. In the other case, Private Chain B will be legally required to uncover further parts of the blockchain to legal entities. Very simply saying, if the reported hashes and data do not match or Private Chain B does not want to uncover the requested parts, that is a clear indication of illegal activity.

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